After Gynecomastia Surgery, Instruction

After Gynecomastia Surgery, Instruction

Body, Gynecomastia

The following is a thorough list of important post-operative instructions and guidelines for gynecomastia surgery. Nausea- Although the anaesthetic used for gynecomastia surgery is specifically designed to prevent nausea, some individuals may nevertheless suffer from it. If nausea arises, take the medication as soon as possible. Nausea is a common side effect of pain relievers and medicines. Take these drugs with food if possible. If the nausea persists, you may want to discontinue using the pain reliever.

Take medications to relieve pain and discomfort.

You should avoid physical activity immediately after gynecomastia surgery. When you're ready, eat something light and take your medications as directed. You should get up and walk around for 15 minutes every hour during the day or evening to promote normal blood circulation.

For the next two weeks, avoid lifting anything heavier than 5 pounds, lifting children, or having intercourse. For the next two weeks, avoid lifting anything heavier than 5 pounds, lifting children, or having intercourse.

Hydration- During your healing phase, make sure you drink enough water.

Sleep- For at least the first three days after gynecomastia surgery, you should rest and sleep at a 45-degree angle on your back. Continue doing so until you feel at ease sleeping in your usual manner. This will differ from one sufferer to the next. Important: Sleeping the night after surgery may be difficult due to anaesthesia.

Garment/bandage- For the first 24 hours after gynecomastia surgery, you will have bandages and a binder wrapped around your chest. Every 2 hours or as needed, adjust the garment/bandage. It may be necessary to untie and reapply the elastic bandage. Gentle compression is recommended. When you can't get your finger between the clothing and your body, it's too tight. If the garment is overly tight, blood flow will be restricted. When repositioning your elastic bandage, place an ABD pad on your chest to act as a buffer between the bandage and your skin. It will protect your skin from the bandage cutting into it. These pads may be required to absorb any oozing from the incisions. At your first post-operative appointment, the doctor will remove the bandages. He'll tell you whether or not you should keep applying gauze or pads to your incisions.

Post-operative garment/shirt- The wounds should no longer ooze after 2 or 3 days. At this point, you can start putting on your garment/shirt first, then the ace bandage on top for further compression. At this stage, no ABD pads should be required.

Shower- If at all possible, avoid showering for the first 24 hours after gynecomastia surgery. You don't want to get your bandages wet because they'll be wrapped around your chest. If you must bathe, use a sponge bath to prevent water from getting on the bandages. The doctor will remove some of the bandages and examine your chest after your initial visit. It's fine to shower once you've returned home. It's important to be cautious because dizziness is a regular occurrence. Simply take a cool shower after removing the outfit. Allow the water to fall gently over your breasts. It's fine if the surgical tape covering the incisions gets moist. After that, pat dry and replace your garment/bandage. Baths are not allowed for the first two weeks or while the incisions are still open.

Cold packs

For the first two days, use cold packs or gel packs on the breast area. Do not apply to the skin directly. Because the area will be numb after gynecomastia surgery, you may not feel the cold from the ice, resulting in skin burns.

Incision care

Sutures used in the incision will dissolve on their own. Surgical tape will be placed over the incisions to aid in healing. The surgical tape on the incisions will be changed in 10-14 days. After we change your tape for the first time, you will change it every 5-7 days for the next 12 weeks.

Driving- Do not drive for the first three days, while taking pain relievers, or if you are in any way impaired.

Blood thinners-For at least one week, avoid aspirin-containing products. You may take Tylenol or other pain relievers as directed.

Two weeks after gynecomastia surgery, you can begin exercising areas other than your chest. Start with modest weights and low-impact cardio. It's critical to take things slowly. If you're having problems with your breasts, Your body is warning you that you're overdoing it. Swelling will slow your recovery and may lead to other complications. Pay attention to your body. To begin working out your chest and return to impact/cardio activities, it usually takes eight weeks (running, etc). For the first two weeks after surgery, you should avoid wearing a backpack or messenger bag over your shoulders. To ensure that your wounds heal properly, avoid tension or strain on your chest. After surgery, many bodybuilders are interested in using steroids.

Work- After gynecomastia surgery, you can usually return to sedentary jobs within 3 days. Physical labour can take anything from one to two weeks. Patients with physically demanding occupations frequently change their jobs or hire someone to assist them during the first week so that they can return to work sooner. The amount of time you'll need off work will be determined by how rapidly your body heals. Everyone heals at their own pace.

Sun exposure- For at least 6 weeks, avoid direct sun exposure on the incisions. Apply sunscreen (at least SPF 15) to the incision area after 6 weeks. If at all possible, stay out of the sun for up to three months.


Do not smoke for at least 1 week following surgery if you smoke.

Medications- Make sure you take all of your medications exactly as prescribed. If you have an allergic reaction to any of the medications, immediately stop taking them and contact our office so that we can recommend an alternative.

Bruising- If you see bruises, try a cream to help them fade faster. Applying the cream straight to the incisions is not recommended. Bruising normally fades after two to three weeks.

Contact gynecomastia doctor in Gurgaon at Lamidas for best gynecomastia surgery.

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