Now Getting Rid Of Those Burn Scars Is Easy

Now Getting Rid Of Those Burn Scars Is Easy

skin and face, Burn Scar

The skin is the largest organ of the body, usually soft flexible outer tissue covering the body of a vertebrate animal, protects us from harmful microbes and elements, it is made of up layers. The thickness of skin also varies from location to location on an organism. Thickness may vary from (0.5-4mm). The speed and quality of wound healing of skin depends upon the thickness of the severity and types of accidental severity

  • The epidermis, the outermost layer of skin provides a barrier and creates skin tone
  • The dermis, beneath the epidermis a tough layer of  connective tissue, Sweat  glands, follicles, and hair 
  • The deeper subcutaneous tissue (hypodermic) is made of fat and connective tissue

            For most of the injury, the skin heals itself; it has self-healing as one of the chief properties. Burns make the skin open and  has a complex system to patch those healings

Wound healing takes several parts and steps that come together to repair the skin. Cost of burn scar treatment in Gurgaon can provide the cost-effective treatment to remove the burns and trauma caused by it 

It is one of the most common household injuries among children and women .burn causes injury to the skin, deeper

tissues or other organic tissue primary causes may be by hot liquids, fire, electricity, friction, chemicals acids, drain clearance or by the sun. burn severity depends upon the depth and size of the burn.

Burns scars occur when burn damaged the skin. for a burn that affects the outer layer of the skin mainly  the dermis, some home remedies can be done

  • Honey
  • Aloe Vera
  • Egg whites
  • Coconut oil
  • Cool water
  • Cool compresses
  • Antibiotic ointments
  • Take an OTC pain reliever
  • Don't pop your blisters 

Common types of burn that can be because of any  causative reasons

  • Friction burns
  • Cold burns
  • Thermal burns
  • Radiation burns
  • Vhrmivalburns
  • Electrical Burns

 Based on the depth and length of the burn it is categorised                       

  • First-degree burn 

This type of burn is mild as compared to the other burn (also called superficial usually only causes mild pain, redness and swelling. less than 3 inches is considered as first degree One of the mildest forms of skin injuries. The symptoms of the firstborn are often minor and tendtendsheal after several days.

  • Second-degree burn

This type of burn affects the dermis and epidermis layer ( partial thickness. Blisters and white, wet, and shiny skin is caused by the second-degree burn. less than 3 inches in diameter is considered a second-degree burn.

  • Third-degree degree burn and Four-degree burn 

This type of burn go through the deeper tissues also considers an emergency burn 

Burn causes one of these types of scars

  • Hypertrophic scars 

A hypertrophic save is a thickened, wide, often raised save that develop where the skin is is an abnormal response to a trauma or causes restriction movement of the skin .can be painful and itchy 

  • Contracture scars

When a large area of skin is damaged and lost resulting in a scar, it occurs when the burn saves matures, thickens, and retracts the mobile area of the body is a result of contracting wound - healing process 

  • Keloid scar

It is a type of raised scar that occurs where the skin has healed after an injury .it is benign and not contagious but sometimes accompanied by severe itchiness, pain, and changes in texture, in some severe cases movement of the skin, is affected burn causes certain complication

  • Infection
  • Dehydration
  • Contractures
  • Emotional trauma.
  • Muscle and tissue damage 

Treatment of burn depends on the degree and size of the burn and healing depends on how severe the burn is the best doctor for trauma scar treatment in Gurgaon is an expert to know you about the treatment 

  • First degree or small burn gets healed on its own if not in a week you can see a doctor 
  • The second-degree burn needs antibiotic ointment to apply in your burn area, cover the burn with sterile, nonstick, gauze to protect the area, prevent infection and help the skin recover .it should take 2 weeks to heal sometimes scar is left but it may fade by its own 
  • Third and fifth-degree burns may need skin graft where healthy skin from another area of your body or a donor to cover your damaged skin. surgeries can be done to release the tightened body that occurs because of contractors during help doctor can help you to regain motion in those areas .it can take months or year to heal .scars are left behind. Skin graft to minimize these scars are the best treatment 
  • Pressure dressings works by compressing the wound it is used for burn treatment. It is beloved that the use of high-pressure elastic dressings can reduce the formation of hypertrophic scars.
  • Cortisone injection first-line treatment for keloids .hypertrophic scars  fade completely after this treatment
  • Chemotherapy Liquid nitrogen with steroid injections effective for keloids but it is not often used for hypertrophic scars.
  • Creams and oil: Heparin gel, onion extract and neomycin are used to treat the burns
  • Superficial x-ray  treatment: It can be used after surgery but it is less common
  • Laser treatment: It is not always  effective in hypertrophic scar .improve the skin texture and colour
  • Corticosteroid injection: Mostly given for keloids .given once every four to eight weeks into the keloid
  • Silicone  gel or sheeting: Wearing a sheet of silicone gel on the affected area continuously for months which is hard to sustain
  • Interferon: Interfere is a protein produced by the body's immune system. reducing the size of keloid
  • Radiation: Some professionals suggest it's  safe and eits ve use can reduce keloid.

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